If you are keen to meet and fellowship with people during the week we have a number of different Groups happening at New Hope.
If you are interest in delving deeper into God’s word, there is the Bible Study Group that meets Tuesday evening at 5:30pm at the Church. (Contact James – james@newhope.org.nz)
Woman’s Ministry is on once a month at 11am (plus a lunch provided) at the Church, it is a time for sharing, worshiping and praying together. (Contact Krystal – contact@newhope.org.nz)
Men’s Group is held twice a month on the second and fourth Saturdays, from 7:30am. You’re welcome to join for coffee, fellowship and prayer. (Contact Jock – contact@newhope.org.nz)
Thursday Connect+ Group is from 10am till 12pm every Thursday in the Shop Front. Connect+ is a place to meet and chat with others and God. (Contact James – james@newhope.org.nz)
If you are interested or want to find out more information about a Home Group close to you, please contact us.